Documentation & Examples

Health Check


The endpoint to check the status of the API.

You should call this every time before you run a request towards any of the other services.



curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"



CRUKS is a service for self-exclusion related to iGaming in Netherlands.

The check takes three different methods depending on what user data you can provide. The structure of the userData field is different depending on the method you choose.

All three methods will have the same response data structure.



Request Parameters
  • regilyPartnerID required - string
  • method required - string
    • CTXBSN: Check using BSN code
    • CTXForeign: Check for non-NL citizen, this requires birthplace in the userParam
    • CTXCode: Check by existing CRUKS code.
  • userData required - object
  "cruksCode": "-----cruks-code------"
  "bsn": "999994402",
  "lastNamePrefix": "",
  "lastName": "Salvarsdðttir",
  "birthdate": "1969-09-21"
  "lastNamePrefix": "",
  "lastName": "Salvarsdðttir",
  "birthdate": "1969-09-21",
  "birthplace": "Amsterdam"
Response Parameters
  • result
    • hit: if the person is registered in the CRUKS database (he is self-excluded)
    • miss: if the person is not registered in the CRUKS database (he is NOT self-excluded)
    • error: if the service is unavailable or the person's details were wrong (e.g. maybe BSN doesn't match the person). A more descriptive error message will be provided in the errorMessage property
  • code
    • The actual CRUKS code
  • errorMessage
    • If the result is error, this field contains a more detailed error message. Otherwise it is null.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'x-partner-key: [SECRET KEY]'  -d '{ "regilyPartnerID": "KEY",  "method": "CTXCode", "userData": { "cruksCode": "----CRUKSCODE-----"} }'
  "result": "hit",
  "code": "CfDJ8Ph1hzOdlrpKnkad6PAkXXHDxYDGZGhTC4YsDezjs0540eMkl3NIzwvQl-Z82S04rkK4kvn6cqiLPHtwmqn4K-92qUBs4UB8lciYH_kzxq25GVz6Kd9rJFqGv6NzSv7yJTejiNAiWRSBwAP7ExNA_ywBctNgB00d4vh7MvLFciwa2SfzlUjW1KtXbuZxkGI0c8KX-iUtOgTJUyOWVe1k5eszT0ubUREDdPAwe8qGYDLK_VvuqlvZ2H8yLkL5M_Wri6zq2u_R9dyKYQkknVDZC2LkfO9GtLDMaYM2JMsP-CciNFbP8h0U3CoKnyWLxuVPoNjRSMmAd8X3dZp2LB7zhhIZ2gawesE5nukDZ5_bLOv4QCCOCznFY3Wq5iJfDD5Q8_4ubxaeCU-4cSUNwP-jFicuHHT-ZuRMIgDmndJeZaoyhAtOaUDNKwkuDprFwNa7kQtS8IYyDBraGp6nOvuQwGK8IVA6C0EokHdW21wKtju0HIFUBh6GAGUJaYHdi-1xF1lDmEEwjk-U6P4_kjSHJNkv6P2uRkEB_tHovWfVq8HyPQHpaOJ83eZ8RsCPPOjSSyw7QP3TutOAVGNYIemxDIc346P1JUi4OZKlEZmWFII3Bqn3H5KMvLn8c8ApE3ywCjK-NpH_8McBeVwaOgEesSqd1l6RIA8ckZhivvl7a5XBEE2QpXLUk_F07tek-P9DybrauHO88PBG_U89tgV9fp0TXIzlA7TWoqSz1TNXieo2",
  "errorMessage": null



By using the iBAN check, you can send in the name of a person together with an iBAN and see if they are connected to one another.

Currently only available in Netherlands.



Request Parameters
  • regilyPartnerID required - string
  • iban required - string
  • assumedName required - object
Response Parameters
  • result
    • found: The iBAN exists and is associated with the provided name
    • notfound: Either the iBAN does not exist or it is not associated with the name
    • error: The request failed (e.g. the provider's API was down)
  • IBANResult
    • Whether the iBAN exists or not
  • NameResult
    • The relation between the provided iBAN and the provided name
  • errorMessage
    • an detailed error message which is provided if the result is error
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'x-partner-key: [SECRET KEY]' -d '{ "regilyPartnerID": "KEY",  "iban": "NL42INGB8230962103", "assumedName": "G. Vera" }'
  "IBANResult": "KNOWN",
  "NameResult": "MATCHING",
  "result": "found",
  "errorMessage": null



By providing the first and last name of a person, you can check whether the name exists in any PEP/Sanction screening lists.

Please note that a response is only returned if the person exists in any lists. If a name does not generate a response, the name could not be found in any of the provider's sources and there is no response from the API.



Request Parameters
  • clientToken required - string
  • firstName required - string
  • lastName required - string
  • dateOfBirthoptional - string(YYYY-MM-DD)
Response Parameters (if there was a hit)
  • category
    - If the person is PEP or Sanction
  • flag
  • signedData
    - The result encrypted as a JWT
  • Source
    • Which list generated a hit
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -H 'x-partner-key: [SECRET KEY]'
-d '{"firstName": "Donald", "lastName": "Trump","dateOfBirth": "1994-06-22"}'
	"data": [
			"firstName": "Donald",
			"lastName": "Trump",
			"fullName": "Trump, Donald John",
			"category": "PEP",
			"nationality": "USA",
			"source": "dowjones",
			"birthDate": "1946-07-14T00:00:00.000Z"



By providing some basic information, such as Full name, date of Birth, and address. The system will then check the individual's credit file and provide a response that includes credit check status, score, and info about databases.

Please note that a response is returned even if the request does not contain all the required data.



Request Parameters
  • firstName required - string
  • lastName required - string
  • birthdaterequired - string
  • countryrequired -string
  • emailrequired -string
  • cityrequired -string
  • houseNumberrequired -string
  • streetNamerequired - string
  • staterequired - string
  • postalCoderequired -string
Response Parameters (if there was a hit)
  • result
    - Status of the requested record
  • Code
M1	>= 36 months credit, 1 source
M2	>= 6 months credit, 2 sources
F1	<= 6 months credit
N	Not found
  • dB_Type
    - Source
  • return_CACRN and return_CAAccountNumber
    - Player’s credit file number
  • jwtSignData
    - The result encrypted as a JWT

Examples (for standalone API or batch API):

curl --location '' \   // Change to to run the test API
--header 'x-partner-key: xxxxxx-xxxxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
	"country": "CA",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"firstName": "John",
	"lastName": "Smith",
	"birthdate": "14-06-1994",
	"city": "Toronto",
	"houseNumber": "999",
	"streetName": "Oakwood Ave",
	"state": "ON",
	"postalCode": "A1A1A1"
    "result": "NotRecognised",
    "code": "N",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "dB_Type": "",
    "return_CACRN": "",
    "return_CAAccountNumber": "",
    "description": "Not found",
    "jwtSignData": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImNiZGEyYWY1LTgwN2ItNDJjYy1hMTljLWE5YjlmMDMzODNlMCJ9.eyJyZXN1bHQiOiJOb3RSZWNvZ25pc2VkIiwiY29kZSI6Ik4iLCJmaXJzdE5hbWUiOiJKb2huIiwibGFzdE5hbWUiOiJTbWl0aCIsImRCX1R5cGUiOiIiLCJyZXR1cm5fQ0FDUk4iOiIiLCJyZXR1cm5fQ0FBY2NvdW50TnVtYmVyIjoiIiwiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiJOb3QgZm91bmQiLCJleHAiOjE2OTI4OTM3NzMsImlzcyI6InJlZ2lseSJ9.AIMn5Z8KEf5w2Ul8pQjTGSNKaLl5yxCChDu7Oc5dhyVQHRR1a3oBqO9k07oauuMUJNiWB_D1geiJAN8t5iPOBmhoAK7SLJlHfPkXg4nQQxPSTBbsD4-4UTm6fg2HhocZBhF1y3tUVn6yeUiMIhGUNAPscufX8PyjMY9IOjnoghKRXN5o"


Verify the JWT

To make sure the application has been scanned and processed by it is recommended to decrypt the JWT contained in signed as described here.