The SDK provides a set of screens for capturing identity documents, face photos and profile data, and for performing the liveness check.

The SDK does not provide methods for obtaining verification results. You can either use the API to pull the results or rely on webhooks from the GetID backoffice.

Getting started


  • Xcode 10.2+
  • Swift 5.0+
  • iOS 11+

Obtaining an SDK key

In order to start using the Native SDK, you will need an SDK KEY and API URL.
Both can be provided by the Integration team.

Camera usage description

The SDK uses the camera for capturing photos during verification. The app is responsible for describing the reason for using the camera. You must add NSCameraUsageDescription to the Info.plist of the app.

Using in Objective-C apps

If your app is written entirely in Objective-C, you should set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to YES in your app target's build settings.



To install the GetID iOS SDK, you need to add the following CDN link to your Podfile and then do a pod install.

pod 'GetID', podspec: '<version>/GetID.podspec'

Swift Package Manager

Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency. Use this repository's with a version of 3.2.5 or above.


Starting the flow

There are two ways to start the verification flow: using the SDK KEY or using a JWT. We recommend using JWT in the production environment. But during the development, you can use SDK KEY, because it's a little bit more convenient.

At first, import GetID to a .swift file from which you plan to start the verification flow.

import GetID

Then call GetIDSDK.startVerificationFlow method from the place in your code that responds to starting the verification flow. For example, it can be a handler of a button touch event.

  apiUrl: "API_URL",
  auth: .sdkKey("SDK_KEY"),
  flowName: "FlowName" // This can be set to the specific flow you want to use 

To start the verification flow using a JWT, your app should obtain the token from your backend.
Your backend should have the SDK KEY to request the token from GetID server. Don't store SDK KEY inside the app in the production environment.

To test starting the flow using a JWT, you can obtain one. To obtain a JWT make a POST request on your API URL with SDK KEY in the header:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-sdk-key: SDK_KEY" -X POST API_URL/sdk/v2/token

Then pass the received token to GetIDSDK.startVerificationFlow method:

  apiUrl: "API_URL",
  auth: .jwt("JWT"),
  flowName: "FlowName"

Profile data

If you have some information about the user before the verification flow started, you can pass it to the SDK as profileData. This data is then cross-referenced with the data extracted from the uploaded documents.

  apiUrl: "API_URL",
  auth: .jwt("JWT"),
  flowName: "Standard",
  profileData: .init(["first-name": "John", "gender": "male"])

External ID

You can also attach external IDs to the application, for instance, if you want to pass the internal ID

  apiUrl: "API_URL",
  auth: .jwt("JWT"),
  flowName: "Standard",
  metadata: .init(externalId: "CEUD2R")


By default, the SDK gets the list of the device's preferred languages (it can be more than one on an iOS device). This means you don't have to set up the language of the verification flow's UI.

But if you want to override the default behavior by some reason, then pass locale to GetIDSDK.startVerificationFlow method.

  apiUrl: "API_URL",
  auth: .jwt("JWT"),
  flowName: "FlowName",
  locale: "en"

Handling callbacks

If you want to handle the verification process completion then assign an object that conforms to theGetIDSDKDelegate protocol to delegate property of GetIDSDK.

GetIDSDKDelegate methodDescription
verificationFlowStart()Tells the delegate that the verification flow has been successfully started.
verificationFlowDidComplete(_:)Tells the delegate that the user has completed the verification flow. The applicationId property of application parameter can be used for getting the verification status.
verificationFlowDidCancel()Tells the delegate that the user has canceled the verification flow.
verificationFlowDidFail(_:)Tells the delegate that the verification flow has been failed.

Here is an example of handling GetID SDK callbacks:

import GetID

final class ViewController: UIViewController {

  func startFlow() {
    GetIDSDK.delegate = self
      apiUrl: "API_URL",
      auth: .jwt("JWT"),
      flowName: "FlowName"

extension ViewController: GetIDSDKDelegate {
  func verificationFlowDidStart() {
    print("GetID flow has been started.")

  func verificationFlowDidCancel() {
    print("GetID flow has been cancelled.")

  func verificationFlowDidFail(_ error: GetIDError) {
    print("GetID flow has been completed with error: \(error). Description: \(error.localizedDescription)")

  func verificationFlowDidComplete(_ application: GetIDApplication) {
    print("GetID flow has been completed, applicationId: \(application.applicationId)")

Possible errors

After adding the SDK the Xcode project might have some build error, please disable User Script Sandboxing.

There are two types of errors that can occur in GetID SDK: GetIDError.InitializationError and GetIDError.FlowError.
The first one can occur during SDK initialization. GetIDError.FlowError can occur while the user is passing the verification flow. Both of the types are enums, see the list of all possible cases in the tables below.

invalidURLInvalid API_URL. The correct one is the address of your GetID Dashboard, for example
invalidFlowNameInvalid flowName.
invalidKeyInvalid SDK_KEY.
invalidTokenInvalid JWT. Maybe, it has been expired.
flowNotFoundThere is no flow with the name you passed as flowName. See all the possible names in GetID Dashboard, at the Flows tab.
unsupportedSchemaVersion(version:supportedVersions:)It means that the SDK version is outdated. Note: schemaVersion != sdkVersion.
applicationWithThisCustomerIdAlreadyExistsAn application with this customerId already exists.
tokenExpiredThe token has been expired.
unsupportedLivenessVersion(version:)It means that the SDK version is outdated.
applicationWithThisCustomerIdAlreadyExistsAn application with this customerId already exists.
failedToSendApplication(underlyingError:)The SDK failed to send the captured data to the server (because of a network error, for example).