GetID (Standalone)

Key Concepts

  • GetID (IDScan) will be branded to seamlessly fit your website and brand
  • GetID (IDScan) can be triggered anywhere on your site
  • It is a front-end only integration done via's SDK
  • GetID is rendered seamlessly as part of your web and/or native application
    • The solution is responsive and designed to deliver an optimal user experience across all device types, browsers and screen sizes
      • On mobile devices it is offered as a full bleed experience for optimal conversion rate and user experience
      • On desktop the default (and recommended) way is to have it rendered as a modal to drive user interaction, but it can also be integrated in other ways depending on your
  • When a user has gone through the service, the scanned data and initial results is provided via callbacks in the front-end
    • "": "processing" is the status of the processing of the application
    • "data.ocr.applicationStatus": "approved" is the status of the application
  • Final results are available and can be retrieved via
    • The API
    • The admin back-office
  • Data on the legal documents can be cross-referenced with user data you have already collected by passing it to the module
  • The uploaded documents are available to download in three ways:
    • via links from the callbacks
    • via the API
    • manually via the Back-office


We always cater to enterprise custom needs

By working with many enterprise partners across different verticals, we have learned that not one single integration fits all platforms and solutions. With this in mind, the Framework is designed to be easily configured and customized based on your specific needs in order to make the integration super simple

Integrating GetID (IDScan) as a stand-alone service

The GetID service is designed to be up and running in minutes and the integration is done in 4 simple steps.

1. Load your library

The library can be loaded as you would any other script or using GTM (or similar services).

<script src="https://[partner][key].js" async></script>

2. Trigger GetID (IDScan)

GetID is triggered via the globally scoped method.

window.OnCheckinLoad is used to load the SDK and this is also where you will configure the flow (e.g. setting the language).

window.onCheckinLoad = (checkin) => { // Load the SDK 
  checkin.settings.setLang('de') // Set language and other configurations

//This should be executed as a call when a "verify" button is pressed

//Button example
<button onClick=''>Open with button click</button>

3. Save the results

When a user has gone through GetID, the scanned data and documents are provided via a callback in the front-end. This event should be captured using the setOnComplete method.

The setOnComplete will return a JSON structure called data which contains the scanned data and links to the documents.

The following examples shows how you can capture the completed event with the setOnComplete() function.

window.onCheckinLoad = (checkin) => {
  checkin.dataFlow.setOnComplete(({ data, normalizedData }) => {
  // you should save all data to your backend here.
    console.log('Complete dataset captured:', data)
    // Add your current endpoint for updating the user account
    var url = 'https://localhost:8888/api/verify'
    fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: data})
      .then(function (data) {
        if (data.status == 200) {
          console.log('Save successful!', data)
      }).catch(function (err) { 
      	return checkin.generate.dataError.unknown() // In case something goes wrong, display an error

This is an example of the data returned in the callback.

data.ocr: {
    "applicationStatus": "approved", // The status of the application
    "resultUrl": "", // Full API link to query
    "id": "b2dce275031c3785ec1b7ac89983c67e1a9f", // SessionID
    "signed": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyZXN1bHRVcmwiOiJodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjMwMzAvdmVyaWZpY2F0aW9ucy9yZXN1bHRzL2IyZGNlMjc1MDMxYzM3ODVlYzFiN2FjODk5ODNjNjdlMWE5ZiIsImlkIjoiYjJkY2UyNzUwMzFjMzc4NWVjMWI3YWM4OTk4M2M2N2UxYTlmIiwiaXNzIjoicmVnaWx5In0.AFqGAHm-4_WkUcefDdme_-9wNZVF3TmCWaE5U7F9sg4zMVW0CZJJlJ-K6Rasl9umlHA8Em6HKO-MxTRjG4Z-oynbAK4d4fMT0bR_9ANWUPUDjTeXfJUGWwXCHXJqO0iIy89edB00cQWku_Iby2H-izWq5zxs6nXju1TCXtW9vEk4X6fC",
    "data": {  } // Array with all specifics from the scanned data


Verify the JWT

To make sure the application has been scanned and processed by it is recommended to decrypt the JWT contained in signed as described here.

4. Ping API for Final Status

In some cases, the scanning and verification of documents may require some additional time to finish.

""="processing" - application processing hasn't been finished

""="done" - application processing has been finished, updated results available

You need to ping to get the final status and updated results.

Here is an example of how to query the API:

curl --request GET \
 --url[ID] \
 --header 'X-SECRET-KEY: [SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]' \ // This key will be shared separately

HTTP Status codes

200OK-The GET request was successful
202OK-The POST request was successful
400Bad RequestError verifying application for App processing error
403ForbiddenForbidden resourceThe secret key is invalid or missing
404Not FoundCannot GET /non-existing-urlEndpoint doesn't exist
500Internal Server Error-An error occurred

Here is an example of a response from a API request:

    "data": {
        "results": {
            "status": "declined",   //Application Status
            "concerns": [
                    "id": "DC023",
                    "message": "Found 2 issue(s).",
                    "service": "doc-check",
                    "status": "declined"
                    "id": "DC030", //ID of the error message
                    "message": "Fields from ocr and mrz have conflict: 1965-03-10, 2022-03-10, Checksum is not valid",
                    "service": "doc-check",
                    "status": "declined"
        "checks": [     //Checked Services
                "name": "docCheck",
                "status": "declined",
                "comment": "Found 2 issue(s)."
        "documents": [  //Collected Document Pictures During verification proccess
                "name": "document",
                "files": [
                        "kind": "front",
                        "mediaType": "image/jpeg",
                        "uri": ""
                        "kind": "back",
                        "mediaType": "image/jpeg",
                        "uri": ""
                "name": "selfie",  //Collected Selfie Picture During verification proccess
                "files": []
        "metadata": {
            "platform": "web",
            "ipAddress": "",
            "country": "SWE",
            "city": "Skondal",
            "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
        "status": "done",
        "attributes": {       // Attrubutes collected from the document
            "documentType": "id-card",
            "firstName": "WILLEKE LISELOTTE",
            "originalFirstName": "Willeke Liselotte",
            "lastName": "DE BRUIJN",
            "originalLastName": "De Bruijn",
            "documentNumbers": [
            "idNumber": "",
            "referenceId": "",
            "gender": "female",
            "nationality": "NLD",
            "issueCountry": "NLD",
            "dateOfExpiry": "2031-08-02",
            "dateOfBirth": "1965-03-10",
            "placeOfBirth": "SPECIMEN"
    "signed": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6...."


You can also use the back-office

Together with your partner key, you will also get access to the back-office where all applications can be accessed

5. (Optional) Cross-check documents with user data

When you trigger GetID, you can also pass collected user data to cross-reference the information on the documents with previously collected user data.

Currently, there is support to cross-check the following fields:

  • first name
  • last name
  • date of birth

6. (Optional) Pass address information for Proof-Of-Address

If you have the Proof-of-Address service as part of GetID, you need to pass some address information before triggering the flow. This information will be cross-referenced with the information extracted from the documents.

window.checkin.dataFlow.setKnownData({user: {firstName: 'Mustermann',
  lastName: 'Hartmut',
  birthdate: '1983-03-03',
  poaData: { // This is required for Proof of address 
      'country': 'USA',
      'city': 'Monterey Park',
      'postcode': '91754-2217',
      'addressLine": "24915 APPLE CT'