Gaming Innovation Group (GiG)

Add your new sign-up flow to your GiG integration in two quick steps.

1. Add the script

The script should be added in the head tag of your website. This script, together with your partner key, is shared with you separately.

You also need to add your backend endpoint as saveUrl to the script. This is the URL to which all user data will be sent once a registration is completed.

<!-- Example structure -->
<script src="https://[partner][key].js?saveUrl=[backend server]" async></script>
<!-- Example with data -->
<script src="" async></script>

2. Trigger your flow

Your sign-up flow can be triggered using either HTML or Javascript as shown in the examples below. It will be displayed on top of your current page.

<!-- Trigger with button -->
<button data-regily-trigger="click">Sign up</button>
<!-- Trigger on page load -->
<html data-regily-trigger="load">
// Trigger with javascript
// This is an example function to call when a button is clicked for instance
function registationButtonWasClicked() {
    window.location.hash = '#regily'

When the user has entered all information and finalized the flow, the following will happen:

  • the regilyDoneCallback will be triggered
  • a POST will be made to the saveUrl to store the user data in your backend
  • a success message will be shown to the user