Pre-integrated Platforms

The Framework is pre-integrated with several platforms.

For pre-integrated platforms, you can go live with your new sign-up flow without spending any time on the implementation. It is designed to work out of the box with any websites running on these platforms.

Once you trigger your sign-up flow, all data entered by the user will automatically be stored in your backend without the need for you to add or change any of your current code.

Supported platforms

Platform supplierCategorySupported
Gaming Innovation Group (GIG)iGaming Player100%
ORYXiGaming Player100%
The Mill AdventureiGaming Player100%
EverymatrixGamMatrix Player management100%
Go GamingiGaming Player100%


Are you running your website on a platform not listed as supported?

We might already be working on a pre-integration for your platform. Reach out to for more information.